Alberta Initiative for School Improvement (AISI) Conference - February 2011

Well, so much for reflective conference postings this winter. I came down with a "killer" cold in mid-February and I'm still trying to recover (now April).
The first conference I had an opportunity to attend was the Alberta Initiative for School Improvement (AISI) conference in Edmonton, Alberta. AISI provides substantial grant money to K to 12 schools and universities to study and document "what works". Some folks believe that AISI has helped out tremendously with the professional of K to 12 teaching in Alberta. Many of the initiatives involve using digital technology as a catalyst for transformational change. Dr. Irene Naested, Dr. Jim Zimmer, and I attended this conference on behalf of Mount Royal. None of us were presenting so we were able to listen and take fairly extensive notes during the session. Most of the keynote sessions were also video recorded.
Important Note: About a month after this conference Alberta Education announced it was reducing the funding for all the current AISI grants by 50% due to budget restrictions.
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