Mount Saint Vincent University - Blended Learning Workshops - March 2011

Okay, so I think I've finally recovered from my winter cold - I even complete the 24km version of the K-country cookie race, the Goat Creek Ski with Marie, and the 20km version of the Lake Louise Loppet. I must admit that I was a little more tired than usual after the Lake Louise Loppet and I headed straight to Alex's last play off game (I think these cold indoor arenas have been tough on my longs). Anyway's, a couple of days later I go to bed with a "tickle" in my throat and I wake up the next morning with the cough/cold (sigh). My energy level goes down hill all week but on Thursday I get up early to fly to Halifax to fa ciliate a one-day Blended Learning workshop at Mount Saint Vincent University (MSVU). I really got chilled on the flight and I was tired and sick by the time I reached Halifax. I went out for dinner with the "gang" from the MSVU Teaching and Learning Centre at the hotel restaurant and then went right to bed. Unfortunately, I had a terrible sleep (lots of cold sweats) and I woke up a complete "mess". The day was foggy and wet (reminded me of how much I disliked the one winter we spent at Dalhousie University for our B.Ed. degrees). Somehow I managed to complete the Student Engagement, Web 2.0 and Blended Learning: What's the Connection? workshop in the morning and the Designing for an Inquiry-Based Approach to Learning workshops in the afternoon. Although, I really don't remember much of the experience. I had dinner with Annie and Daniel in the evening to chat about their BOLD research work and then I flew back to Calgary on the Saturday morning - just in time to catch one of Eric's play-off games in another cold arena (I had a real "cold" melt down after this experience).
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