November 2007 Conference Travels
Next, it was off to the 27th Annual International Lilly Teaching Conference at Miami University on Oxford, Ohio. En route, I was able to stop over in Brooklyn, New York to spend a bit of time with my sister Christy, her husband Charles and their new infant son Benjamin. We had a wonderful time together and I had some GREAT runs in Prospect Park - which is located just 2 blocks from their apartment.
This was my 4th Lilly Conference and it always feel like "I'm coming home" when I arrive at the Cincinnati Airport. The drive from the airport to Oxford winds through hills and along river valleys. Fortunately, I was able to stay right at the Marcum Conference Centre once again and enjoy the running trail through the forest along the river below the Centre. I had been invited to facilitate a couple of sessions - one on Podcasting: Aligning the Medium with Learning in Higher Education and another one of Designing for Student Success through the use of the National Survey of Student Engagement (NSSE) Framework. This conference features a number of teaching scholars and I always take copious quantities of notes :)
A few highlights for me were Dee Fink's session on the Joy and Responsibility of Teaching Well. Dee discussed a lot of important concepts in his presentation and the one that "stuck" with me - was the importance of emphasizing more than "academic" learning outcomes in a course. The following is a list of his recommended learning outcomes for any course:
- Foundational knowledge – understanding and remembering information & ideas
- Application – skills, thinking, critical, creative, practical, managing projects
- Integration – connecting ideas, people, realms of life
- Human dimension – learning about oneself, others
- Caring (values) - developing new feelings, interests, values
- Learning how to learn – becoming a better student, inquiring about a subject, self-directing learners (generate own learning agenda and apply an appropriate learning strategy)
It was neat how the next session I attended by Alan Wright, the Vice Provost of the University of Windsor focused on the last learning outcome. The title of his session was The “ORA” of Engaged Learning: Ownership, Responsibility, and Autonomy. He has developed a very interesting survey that asks students and faculty to rank their top 5 strategies for developing meta-cognition in a course. I'm going to try this as an ice-breaker activity in my winter 2008 courses.
Marcia Baxter-Magolda continued on this theme in an evening session by stressing her student development concept of self-authorship. She and Robert Kegan from Harvard define this concept as "one's capacity to internally define one's beliefs, identities, and social relations (Baxter Magolda, 2001; Kegan, 1994). Based on a 21 year longitudinal study she has been conducting on a group of former Miami University students she suggests that the journey to self-authorship involves three phases:
- External formulas – rely on external sources for what to believe, identity, and how to relate to others, learn for tests
- Crossroads – experience dissonance with authority-dependence; begin to listen to internal voice
- Self-authorship – internal voice moves to the foreground and mediates external influences
- Situate learning in learner's experience
- Define learning as mutually constructing meaning
- Share authority & expertise
- Portray knowledge as complex & socially constructed – internal belief system
- Self is central to knowledge construction – internal identity
- Validate learner's capacity to know
- Teaching paradigm – telling students what they need to know
- Learning paradigm – engaging students in learning how to learn (limited body of knowledge)
- Discovery paradigm – encouraging students to seek out new knowledge – break down boundaries – move into new territory
- accepts responsibility for learning
- integrates learning
- lays out appropriate attributes
- students belief in doing original research
- importance of looking at the entire curriculum rather than an individual course