Cottage - Summer 2011

Definitely some of the best summer weather we have ever had at the cottage. Endless sunny days, not too humid, and the temperature even managed to cool down for pleasant sleeping most nights - check out the pictures!!
Unfortunately, not everyone was able to be at the cottage at the same time this summer - but at least everyone was able to come for at least a short visit. The first week started with a "boys fest" - California and Calgary cousins with no Moms :) Once we had yet more "trees" removed - we got the boat in the water and spent lots and lots of time tubing and wake boarding!! We even managed to squeeze in a visit to the Stewart Park Music Festival although it was too hot and humid to stay very long.
Aunt Beth arrived the second week along with Peter and Cathy for a weekend visit. The great weather just continued on - and we all had a restful and relaxing time together. We also kept the tubing tradition alive along with a visit to Kingston for Queen's campus tour. I wonder if any of the boy cousins will actually attend this family institution? We also discovered a VERY interesting store near Westport - which contains everything (and more) than any cottage could ever want or have :)
We were very sad to see the California family leave but Marie arrived the same day and we turned our attention to "gasoline free" water pursuits such as paddle boarding, windsurfing, row boating, and kayaking. A couple of days later the Brooklyn family arrived and it was wonderful to rediscover the cottage through the eyes of the younger cousins - Benjamin and Noah. We got the wading pool out - along with all the cottage toys, high chairs, rocking chair, wagon, the good olde Rideau Shark soap box car. Now that Charles was present - ping pong with the new table swung into high gear. What an amazing bonus for the cottage along with the new BBQ!! Hey, we even discovered that we can barbeque salmon on a cedar plank with the new BBQ :)
The entire Doland-Richmond clan also arrived next door and we had a wonderful fish fry and fireworks night (courtesy of Uncle Charles). All too soon it was time to put the boat "to bed" for the winter and pull Splash Island and Water Mat out of the water. I must admit that putting away everything was a bit tiring this year - but I sure appreciated all of Marie, Christy, and Charles' help!!
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