Southeast Technical Institute - August 2011

Immediately after arriving back in Calgary from the cottage I had the opportunity to travel to the Southeast Technical Institute in Sioux Falls, South Dakota to facilitate a day long series of workshops for their faculty on technology enhanced learning. I must admit that I was still quite tired from closing up the cottage in Ontario and I wasn't in top shape for these workshops.
I flew to Sioux Falls via Denver Colorado on Monday and had a nice dinner with the workshop organizers from Southeast Technical Institute. They seemed like a really great group of people and I was impressed with all of their faculty members. Definitely a real sense of community at this institution - they were planning an institutional pot luck lunch for the day after my workshops.
For my morning workshop (which began at 8am) - I focused on Student Engagement and Technology Enhanced Learning: What's the Connection? The session went reasonably well except their wireless network had been upgraded over the summer and was not working at 100% capacity so a number of people were having problems accessing the Google Doc notes.
We had sandwiches for lunch and then I spent the afternoon talking about designing for technology enhanced learning environments and the roles of the instructor in such an environment. I was totally exhausted by the end of the day and headed straight to the airport for a flight back to Denver and then Calgary. I think my days as an external workshop facilitator are drawing to a close (the travel is just too tough on my body)
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